• Employment
  • Recruitment of Shandong University for "Qilu Outstanding Scholars"

    The School of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Shandong University aims to attract strategic scientist-style outstanding scholars, principle investigators of various disciplines in the field of pharmaceutical sciences, and academic pacesetters who enjoy intellectual potentials. The school is now extending its invitation to talented researchers both at home and abroad to join its academic body to enhance the academic competitiveness, social influence, and internationalization of the school.
    I. Fields for Recruitment
    Shandong University has gained swift development in pharmaceutical sciences in recent years. At present, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences is a national key special comprehensive platform building unit for “major new drug innovation”. The National Glycoengineering Research Center and the Key Lab for Natural Product Chemistry and Biology of MOE have been set up with the sound development of the discipline. Researches in the School center on the subject areas of natural pharmacochemistry, synthetic pharmacochemistry, microbiology and biochemical pharmacy. In the past years, the School has taken on key projects in the state “973” and “863”projects, the national key technology R & D program, and key international cooperation projects. It has also established close cooperation with many large-scale pharmaceutical industries at home.
    The recruitment of the School focuses talented researchers in natural pharmaceutical chemistry and related subjects, including natural product biosynthesis and control, natural products structural modification and synthesis, drug design and synthesis, and biochemical pharmacy. Talented researchers in other related subjects such as biotech drugs, monoclonal antibody, CVD or neuropharmacology are also welcome.
    II. Position Requirements.
    Shandong University offers the “Qilu Outstanding Scholars” positions, which apply the PI (Principal Investigator) employment system.
    The applicant should hold the title of associate professor or above or equivalent title in overseas prestigious universities, enjoy world-class research capacity and international reputation in the recruiting fields, and can participate and lead the recruiting discipline and help improve the research level and domestic and international fame of the School or Laboratory he will work in. Domestic applicants should be winners of National Outstanding Youth Fund (applicants for the fields of humanities and social sciences should be members of New Century Outstanding Talents Support Program of MOE or winners of matching awards), non-Chinese foreign experts can apply for the award of the Thousand Talents Program of the State Foreign Experts Administration.
    III. Basic Requirements for Applicants
      1. The candidate should have high moral qualities and fine scholarship, enjoy team spirit, and have the academic capacity to lead the researches in relevant fields in the world.
      2. The candidate should have a doctor’s degree from a prestigious university both at home and abroad and enjoy an excellent education background.
      3. The candidate should enjoy profound leaning, have ever taken on key research missions, and have made important research achievements recognized domestically and internationally.
      4. The candidate should be able to perform a full-time duty on the position.
      5. Candidates of all nationalities are welcome, but the candidate should in principle be under 50 years of age and be sound in health.
     IV. Conditions and Terms of Employment
      1. Shandong University applies the contract administration employment system and the tenure-track model. Recruited scholars should complete the teaching and research missions as stipulated in the employment contract. One employment term is 5 years and outstanding scholars can get further employment.
      2. Shandong University will help recruited scholars build their own research team according to the “special academic zone” model. Specific issues on treatment and support are negotiable.
      3. Based on the actual situation of the scholars, Shandong University shall actively help the scholars to apply for membership in the State “Thousand Talents Program”, the “Cheung Kong Scholars Programme” of MOE, “Taishan Scholars” of Shandong Province, and other talent support programs. The University will also offer help in applying for national, ministerial, and provincial research projects.
    V. Materials Required for Application.
      1. A full CV;
      2. Proof documents for academic achievements and a work plan on the position
      3. At least three reference letters by renowned experts in the research field which shall be emailed to rcb@sdu.edu.cn or sdrencaiban@126.com directly by the referrals.
    VI. Effective Period
    The recruitment information is effective all year round and inquiries are welcome.
    VII. Contact Information
    Address: Department of Personnel, Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong, 250100, P.R.C
    Contact Persons: Yao Bo, Zhang Chunhe, Yu Xiangming
    Tel: +86-531-88364847   88364306
    Fax: +86-531-88365388
    E-mail: rcb@sdu.edu.cn
    University website: http://www.sdu.edu.cn

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